Friday, 22 May 2009

Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day: Attempt #1

After seeing this recipe scattered across many blogs, I decided to finally see what all the fuss was about. I looked up Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day and found a few videos demonstrating the master bread recipe.

Bread baking for me has always been a fun experience, I neither feared it nor had much difficulty with it, using the traditional methods. I was, however, quite intrigued by this unique method and so, without much hesitation, I ordered the book. It is actually not even in my house yet, but still on its way in the mail.

The dough is incredibly wet and I wished I had gone with my instincts and added just a bit more flour. Now, it is supposed to be a wet sticky mass initially, but after rising, it should have been pliable enough to handle and shape into a ball. This proved to be a bit tricky and I began to suspect that my weight calculations had been a bit off. I decided to add some more flour, still leaving it very wet, and letting it sit for another rise. This worked out much better, although it was still very tricky to shape properly, due to the wetness.

The finished product was a tiny oblong shaped chewy-crusted delicious loaf of bread. I was quite pleased and will certainly make this recipe again. I really am excited to get my hands on the rest of the book.